Southern Philippine Fresh Fruits Corporation (SPFFC) was incorporated in 2005. The company belongs to the Agri-business sector under Vacuum Hydrated, Spray-Dried Fruit Processing. The company owns and operates a Vapor Heat Treatment Plant known as Agri-Business Treatment Plant for the classification, treatment,and preparation of fresh fruits for export.
Over 92% of computers are infected with Adware and spyware. Such software is rarely
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MANILA – The Philippines can now export more mangoes to the United States after all provinces, except Palawan, received clearance from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA
...The Philippines on Saturday requested improved market access for its fruit exports to South Korea during the meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' (ASEAN) Economic Ministers in
...London, 05 December - The Philippine Embassy in London hosted a Philippine Mango Industry Investment Promotion Forum at Asia House in London last 26 November. A good mixture of Filipino and